26 Mar 2009 "Provisional Measures for the Management of Application of Financial Grant for Construction Projects that Employ Solar Energy Photoelectric Technology" (太阳能光电建筑应用财政补助资金管理暂行办法) issued by the Ministry of Finance of the PRC

In line with the strategic move of the State Council in reducing carbon emission, the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development recently published a series of policies and comments to accelerate the use of solar energy in buildings in both the urban and rural areas.

At the same time, the country has pledged financial support to the "Solar Power Panel Rooftop Plan" (太阳能屋顶计划), hoping to build a mechanism with the market’s impetus and government’s support to provide the leverage to guide development of the photoelectric industry. Related measures included firstly funding of model photoelectric construction projects. Qualified projects will be given subsidies arranged by the government to compensate part of the initial investment in the projects. Secondly, the government will also encourage efforts to develop advance techniques and technological innovation and, thirdly, local governments are urged to launch related financial support policies.

The Ministry of Finance has recently promulgated and issued a set of "Provisional Measures for the Management of Application of Financial Grant for Construction Projects that Employ Solar Energy Photoelectric Technology" (太阳能光电建筑应用财政补助资金管理暂行办法) to strengthen management of related funding applications aiming for more effective utilization of funds.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development have stepped up support for the construction industry. Relevant departments at various levels are to diligently fulfill their duties with respect to make usage of solar energy photoelectric technologies an integral part of their energy saving work plan, push for perfection of technical standards and technological advancement, and strengthening of capabilities so as to gradually raise the standard of application of solar energy photoelectric technologies in buildings.
